Sunday, October 5, 2008

Thursday, August 28, 2008


yeah I got baptized at 12:30 in the morning on the 27th. I would have blogged about it earlier but I was very tired and or I had to leave and do homework so now I am your new sister in Christ. I have pictures but I don't know how to load them on. my grand parents were there at the church building and so were my parrents. I am now one of the newest Christians.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


OK I am in love with the twilight series even though I am still on the first book. I am even more excited about the movie coming out on 12/12 and the guy who plays Edward is the same guy who played Cedric Diggary in the fourth Harry Potter movie. I just saw some previews on you tube and I defiantly can not wight to finish the book before I watch the movie the.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Yes I turned 13 June 6th ( I am getting so old)and I got an awesome new camera and these are what all it can do.

  • take pictures (duh it's a camera)
  • take videos
  • I can watch movies on it
  • download music
  • and I can watch music videos on it

Yeah I know it's awesome right!!! Patrick is making videos on it and deleting them.

I LOVE MY NEW CAMERA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Happy 13th Birthday Sierra!

Happy birthday Sierra. Your dad and I are so very proud of you. You are becoming such a wonderful young lady and we thank God for you daily. I remember when we thought we were not going to get to have children. Then news of your arrival came and you have been a blessing every day since. We Love You!

Sierra is...

  • thirteen years old
  • a child of God
  • the best daughter ever
  • a super big sister
  • a good friend
  • a happy person
  • lots of fun
  • has a friendly smile
  • is responsible with young children
  • a beautiful dancer
  • blessed with a beautiful voice
  • not afraid to try new things like volleyball, golf, tennis, cheer leading
  • crazy for chocolate (like her mother)
  • a girl who likes tea in pretty cups
  • creative
  • a seamstress
  • excited about life
  • an artist
  • fond of Starbucks
  • a gook cook
  • very pretty
  • smart
  • compassionate
  • someone who sees beauty in things
  • a blessing

Friday, January 11, 2008

Bring it on Cheer athon

Well if you are wondering about the title I have only seen parts of that movie and it was pretty inappropriate but I flipped the channel to Disney. But the reason why I chose that title is because it has to do with cheer leading and that is what I joined a few weeks ago. Last night was our first game to cheer at and Patrick was in the game so that means that he played with the middle schoolers and every single game that we have played, we have played against giants. I think that some of them drove themselves there. They were so tall and we were so small compaired to them. One of the girls on Patrick's class was guarding one of the tall dudes and he grabbed her arm and twisted it and was hurt pretty badly and she wasn't at school today and she was crying and I have never seen her cry by getting hurt. Luckly, a dad of another girl from Patrick's class was there and he is a doctor, better yet a surgeon. The player wasn't called for it and another guy bumped Levi Gordon's nose and he told me that he can't wair his glasses because it hurts. Last night we did this cheer that goes:

"Get up for the soldiers!
get up get up get up!
Get up for the soldiers!
and most of the people who went to the game stood up and the players who were sitting on the bench and were standing up and were trying to get the people to stand up for them. I like that cheer except that my pants were too big in the wast so they started to fall down and at half time we did a cheer called two bitsit goes:
"two bits'
six bits,
a dollar,
all for ACS,
stand up and holler "
and they actually stood up. And we also did one to get them fired up and it had five claps and two of the guys did it and one from our team did it too but did it under his legs before he was going to throw the ball in the game (by the way if i didn't tell you what game this is it is basketball) .
The ending score was 102 to 2. It was sad. I mean what's up with us playing against tall people? If I figure out how to put videos on I will try to put the major cheers on. How do you put pics on? I know that you showed me Unkle Alan, but I forgot how.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

another thing on icarly

This one is really good because it hapend on one of the episodes

  • You guys saw me on my little sister's web show (iCarly) tonight, but you didn't see what happened later, after the show. The BIG sign that Freddie and I made WENT CRAZY and caused 29 car crashes, so I was running away when these two cops GRABBED ME and put me in handcuffs. I wasn't officially "arrested," but the cops were really mad. See, when the sign went crazy, it spelled Pee On Carl -- and one of the cops was NAMED Carl! Talk about bad luck. Anyway, they brought me home and took the handcuffs off me. But here's the weird thing...I asked the cop (Carl) for some lotion because the handcuffs made my wrists hurt. Officer Carl said he didn't have any lotion. But then he came back in and showed me he DID have lotion...WHICH HE REFUSED TO LET ME USE! What is up with that? And even WORSE, it was CUCUMBER-MELON lotion, which is, like, the BEST LOTION of all. Why would Officer Carl TEASE ME by showing me that awesome lotion -- even letting me SNIFF IT -- and then not give it to me? How lame is that? Oh yeah, remember when I stepped on my taco? I went back the next day and took a picture of it! Here it is:
    Many Reasons Why I Do NOT like Officer Carl
    He smells like onion rings.
    He didn't care about the taco I stepped on.
    He put handcuffs on me (which kinda hurt).
    He has long nose hairs (I suggested he trim them, but he just gave me a dirty look).
    He didn't share his lotion with me.
    He hates big signs that light up.
    He does not like sculptures.
    His police car was not comfortable.
    He kept bragging about his nightstick.
    When he was driving me home, he refused to stop at Inside Out Burger.
    He thinks vegetables are better than pizza (yeah, RIGHT).
    He got super mad when I called him a "police woman."
    He wouldn't let me play with the siren in his police car.
    isn't that lol